Richard III.

Henry Purcell / William Shakespeare

Musical theatre based on the tragedy by William Shakespeare

with music by Henry Purcell


Richard, Duke of Gloucester and brother to the king, murders and conspires his way to the English throne. With great candour, Richard tells his audience all about his unscrupulous plans and why he decided to be a villain. The story of the rise and fall of King Richard III that William Shakespeare tells in the historical drama he wrote in 1593 is a textbook example of a tyrant who uses violence to reach the top without having any political vision other than the exercise of power. Director Kateryna Sokolova focuses her production on Richard’s talent for deception: three performers – a singer, an actor and a dancer – portray the many facets of the power-hungry king. Shakespeare’s play and the music of English composer Henry Purcell form the basis of this musical theatre production which Kateryna Sokolova has developed in collaboration with the conductor Benjamin Bayl.


In German and English with German and English surtitles


Introduction to the work 30 minutes before curtain-up




Discovery package